Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wed June 6, 2012 Marathon Summary

Wednesday June 6, 2012
I fixed Ford N tractor this morning. It stopped running when I was doing my mowing job. I worked on it for 3 hours before I finally got it to run. Phil and I bought a new distributor for $200.00. OUCH.
A resister in the ignition system and the ignition switch was bad.
A wire that went to the coil was broken off. Whee!!!!!  But it is fixed and I finished the mowing. Happy, happy, happy, boy it doesn't take much to make me happy!!!!
Now back to the marathon.
                              Mile 5, 1 hour.

I am sending some pictures that Phil took last Sunday of the Marathon.

A Mallard and her babys decided to see what all of the commotion was about and then decided that HER family was not going to take part in the run.

My two faithful aid personel. Kim and Skylar. 

This picture was taken at the railroad bridge.  9.3 miles
I have been running with these two men and a woman that was with us just before the bridge. Sklar is running with us. The four of us ran together until about mile 11. I was running just a little faster then they were so I gradually pulled away from them. The woman was 40 years old on the day of the Marathon and wanted to finish at 6 hours. I looked her time up on Monday and she finished in 6 hours and 6 minutes.
My time here was 1 hour and 52 minutes. 

The dog handler with Bella and Grizz. 

Did not see anyone until mile 15. So much for my Personal Aid Team. They made the excuse that they had to get something to eat. So much for personal aid!!!!!!!

This the steep, steep, steep, steep hill at mile 16.4
The next aid station is at the top of the short, steep hill.

I am dousing my head with water. I had read sometime ago that it is just as important to lower the body temperature as it is to drink enough fluids, so that is what I do and it helps.  
Time 3 hours and 34 minutes.

Her is my faithful aid person running with me at mile 18.
time=3 hours and 47 minutes 

I am now at mile 21.4 at the Morse Creek  Bridge. 4 hours and 27 minutes. This is a serene place to run. The bridge makes a sweeping turn and then runs under a canopy of trees for about a mile. 

This is the approach to the bridge. I got the pictures out of order. And my faithful aid personal people again, Ruby Skylar, Lora and Kim.

Time here=4 hours and 29 minutes

This is the turn on the railroad bridge.

The end is in sight. The trail is off to the left of the picture at 24 miles. The runners that you can see in the picture are at mile 25.

This is just about at the finish line. Kim, Ruby, Skylar and Rosaura.
A guy that I met at the Hurricane Coffee shop in Sequim while I was getting a Latte before the marathon is also in the picture, his name is Brett Shoemaker. Anyway he said earlier that he was going to run a 4 hour marathon. But he had leg cramps and had to walk so he decided to wait for me and we could finish together!!!What a coincidence, I have a nephew named Brett Shoemaker who lives in Kettle Falls, WA. No relation. 

I missed Kim in the above picture so I included her in this one now it shows all the official Personal Aid Team for Chuck Milliman's 65th marathon at the age of 79.  5 hours and 42 minutes

Skylar is leaving me as I am entering the finish Chute.

When I crossed the finish line I was given my age division award. 

The results of the 1/2 marathon and full marathon was already posted when I was leaving the area.

This is me on Monday a day after the marathon. Finishing medal, T-shirt and plaque

This is the updates with words and picture. Hope you enjoyed the day with the marathoner and his Official Personal aid.


1 comment:

  1. Great job Chuck! So proud of you! Your professional course photographer did a nice job. I was glad I was able to be on the support team. I like both of your awards photos - the smiley & the serious. Both sides of "Chuck"!
